Radical Kitchen Crew registration - baking for solidarity and comfort
Morale is always important. Comfort food is as it sounds, comforting, particularly when you are under attack. For some of us, kai is how we show we care. Who doesn't love a cheese scone or a gluten free brownie?

You are invited to put your apron on and cook or bake a delicious sweet or savoury treat.
Fill in your details below and we will keep you in the loop for when we next plan to show up across the country with a plate of our favorite comfort food in solidarity.

Our next baking event is on Mon 25th November and we are planning to deliver to ED workers in locations around Aotearoa.

Brought to you by the Radical Kitchen Crew and STIR: Stop Institutional RacismĀ for more information contact - stirantiracism@gmail.com

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Your name
Can you help for our next effort on Mon 25th November?
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Email or phone number
What is your nearest town/city?
Is there a person or organisation that you would like to nominate to receive kai? If so please provide their location details:
Can you whip up a plate?
Can you help with logistics & co-ordination?
Would you like to be added to our mailing list for future events?
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