Beaver Connect Faculty Mentor Call for Volunteers (Corvallis campus)
Thank you for your interest in the Beaver Connect program (formerly the Faculty-Student Mentor Program), and your commitment to the success of our students! This form is for both new and returning faculty mentors who can mentor students based at our Corvallis campus. We ask that you fill this out each year in case your role and/or matching preferences have changed. If you have any questions, please contact
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Email *
Full Name *
Are you a new or returning Faculty Mentor for Beaver Connect? *
Appointment Type *
If you are affiliated with an academic college, which college(s)? *
Division/Department/Unit *
Have you completed any of the following recommended trainings?
Are you available to be a Faculty Mentor in 2024-2025? *
Please note: We are asking faculty to confirm their availability for the following year's program in spring term, but if you would like us to reconfirm your availability before assigning teams in September, please choose "tentatively available" below and we will reach out and wait for your response after September 15th.
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