Sign Up for Santa Cruz Climate Justice Actions
We’re helping to organize Santa Cruz demonstrations for the efforts to stop unjust fossil fuel expansion, and we need your help!

Your email and phone number will only be used to contact you regarding the Day of Action on March 21st - 3.21.23 - and related climate justice actions, unless you specify otherwise below.
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First Name / Nickname
What shall we call you?
Your mobile phone
Preferred way(s) to contact you
Would you like to help with publicity?
Calling or emailing local media outlets - we have contact info for you to use
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Would you like to go into banks for friendly conversations with bank employees?
Roland and Michelle will help coach and organize a series of actions where small teams go in to share info about the banks' complicity in fossil fuel expansion, working to build allies on the inside.
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Would you like to help with sign / art preparation?
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Would you like to help with a banner?
We may create a large banner to hang somewhere for maximum visibility. Would you want to help create or hang the banner?
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Are you interested in helping or participating in an action on 3.21.23 (likely including fully legal peaceful demonstrations, such as street theater of some kind, possibly including nonviolent direct action)?
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Can you offer (or help to organize) legal support, in case we chose to do a peaceful sit-in or other more disruptive action (that is more likely to result in arrests) at some point?
Actions with arrests are often more likely to get mentioned by news outlets, bringing more attention to the issue. We hope to have legal support available.
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Other questions, comments, or ideas
Would you like to join an email forum for local climate justice actions organizing work?
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May we add you to the Novasutras Santa Cruz email list?
Novasutras is an ecospiritual and ecoactivist organization - see We send local events listings about once a week, and newsletters 8 times per year.
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