S.O.L.E. Academy Registration
Our focus is to improve our scholars perception of themselves and equip them with essential skills in the areas of Self Confidence, Business and Leadership, Academic Success, Public Presentation and Etiquette, Diversity and Community, and Financial Management. In addition, we aspire to increase their academic achievement while creating a road map for their future. Our scholars will lead successful and productive lives and be empowered to change their community.

DATE: Saturday, April 18th-Saturday, May 23rd. Community Service Project May 30th
TIME: 9:30am-11:30am.
LOCATION: Paramount Charter Academy
COST: $60. (Includes uniform polo shirt and academy supplies) *NON-REFUNDABLE*
**Scholarships available upon request (please email connect@urconfident.com)**
DRESS CODE: Uniform Polo Shirt and Khaki bottoms
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School District
Good Mannerisms 107 (Middle School)
Course Instructor: Timeya Gray
This course will prepare scholars to meet and greet colleagues, clients, and customers; suggest appropriate attire for various dress codes; review communication technology and the proper way to handle email, voicemail, text, and social media. In addition scholars will learn to hold utensils properly at the dinner table and understand the differences between American and Continental styles; understand manners for specific courses in the meal, from bread and butter to soup and salad; have good posture, eye contact and appropriate gestures. Furthermore, we will teach proper way to handle a waiter/waitress if you don't like what you've ordered.

Understanding Taxes and Credit 305 (High School)
Course Instructor: Veronica Witherspoon
This course is designed to help scholars have a better understanding of why we pay taxes, payroll taxes, and federal income. In addition, they will learn the pros and cons of taxes while being a business owner. Furthermore, understanding the importance of credit and how it can affect them.

Course Options *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birth Date *
Grade *
School District *
Women's Uniform Shirt Size *
Address *
Apt #
City *
Zip Code *
Scholar  Phone Number
Scholar Email Address
Any known allergies? *
If yes, please list:
Is any medication being taken? *
If yes, please list:
Physician to be called in case of emergency: *
Phone: *
Racial Group (Click all that apply) *
Lives with: *
Incarcerated Parent *
What is your total household income before taxes? *
Free or Reduced Lunch *
Parent or Legal Guardian  1 *
Cell Phone Number *
Email *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Parent or Legal Guardian 2
Cell Phone Number
Apt Number
Zip Code
Contact Name 1 *
Contact Phone Number *
Relationship to Scholar *
Contact Name 2 *
Phone Number *
Relationship to Scholar *
Your scholar may be photographed, digital recorded, or interviewed during the academy. With your consent the photograph, video, or interview may be reproduced and released for use in the media ie. brochures, website, or social media. *
How did you hear about us? *
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