Volunteer with Petaluma Pride
Thank you so much for being an active part of the community! We're looking for volunteers to help out with organizing vendors, setup/teardown of events, tabling support, fundraisers, social media coordination, website management, and creators of handouts/flyers.

If you're interested in any of these roles, or are like "Hey I'll help wherever needed," then fill out the form below to let us know.

We need volunteers year-round, and especially on and around the annual Petaluma Pride Festival.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Brandon and the Volunteer Coordination team at volunteers@petalumapride.com.
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
Are you interested in volunteering with day-to-day, mostly remote, activities?
Are you interested in volunteering at events around the area?
Are you interested in volunteering at Petaluma Pride itself?
Anything else you want us to know, such as organizations you're affiliated with or skills you want to share?
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