Lompy's Commission Form

Thanks for your interest in commissioning art from me :) Please complete this form so I know what type of art you're looking for. It will take a few minutes to fill out, but will get us started out on the same page.

Base pricing and commission info can be found here: https://lompyart.carrd.co/#commissions 
check it out here:  https://lompyart.carrd.co/#toscomm 

If you have any questions about the commission info, this form, or the TOS, please email me at LompyArt@gmail.com

  ❤ Lompy
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What is your name/alias?
What is your username (+platform)?

I will always credit the character to you if I post the finished commission on social media.
If this commission is private, please let me know here and I will not share on social media.
List your contact email here

Please make sure this is an email that you check a few times a week. This will be our primary contact method.
List your Paypal email here

I will send your Paypal invoice here for payment. If an invalid email is given here, this form will be discarded.
Commission Type

Click on the link at the top of this page for more info and base pricing.
How many characters will be in this commission?
Character Reference(s)

Please include a link to your character's reference. A visual reference of your character is required, premade bases are ok.
Must include color, unless you are ordering a sketch commission.

If you are unable to link a reference, please indicate that you will email them to me once I contact you.
Character Info

Give me a brief idea of what your character's personality is like, bullet points ok.
Do you want a specific mood/expression, or to add props?
Also indicate if you want a specific pose or if I have full artistic liberty.
Feel free to include link to photo references/inspiration.

It is totally fine if you want me to have free reign over the piece, but if you have an idea in mind please be as specific as possible so I can understand the scope of the commission and provide the best service for you!
Are there any differences between the provided reference and the final design for the commission?

This could be colors, features, outfit, etc.
If you answered Yes above, please describe the changes here.

Feel free to include links.

If you answered No above, please type "N/A".
Do you need to purchase creator or commercial licenses for this artwork?

Info & fees can be found in the TOS.
TOS & Commission Agreement

Please review my Terms of Service before submitting this form, and make sure that you understand and agree to all the points listed. Link can be found at the top of this page.

If you have any questions or doubts, please contact me before beginning a commission.
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