Wisconsin Saxophone Clinic (WiSC), February 24, 2024, 12pm-6pm

The Wisconsin Saxophone Clinic (WiSC) aims to empower and inspire saxophonists of all ages to pursue musical excellence through an accessible and inclusive day of learning.

WiSC was founded on the idea that saxophonists throughout the state of Wisconsin and beyond should have an opportunity to come together for a day of fellowship and learning. We have made this event FREE to attend because we believe that cost should never be a barrier to pursuing artistic growth. At WiSC, you will learn from professional saxophonists at the forefront of the field, gaining valuable insights on everything from how to practice to how to have a successful audition. If you want to take your saxophone playing to the next level, WiSC is the place to be! 

Registration deadline Saturday, Feb 17

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Middle school, high school, collegiate, or community member
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