2022 Data Science Research Bazaar Lightning Talk Proposal
The Research Bazaar will hold a month of events related to the overarching theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data. The events will include multiple lightning talk sessions consisting of 3-minute lightning talks with built-in time for the audience to connect directly with presenters. The goal of the lightning talks is to connect researchers, resources, and collaborators; share data science tools, pipelines, and questions; bridge data science research to other applications; and discuss data science topics that build up our data science community and practices.

The focus of your lightning talk may fit into one of the Research Bazaar sub-themes related to the overarching theme of Data and Communities: Sharing and Protecting Data:

- Communities with Data / Data about communities
- Protected Data
- Data Ethics
- Methodologies & Tools
- Open Data, Software, and Curricula

The lightning talks will be presented in person. Following the talks, presenters will further discuss their work with audience members in small groups at tables. Lightning talks may alternatively be held virtually and/or recorded if needed due to the pandemic. Each lightning talk is three minutes.

Your proposal will be evaluated based on how it addresses the following questions:
1. What is the context and significance behind the problem you are trying to solve?
2. What kind of resources, expertise, services do you bring to the campus community or potential collaborators?
3. If you are looking for collaborators, what kind of expertise are you looking for in them?
4. What methodological, logistic, and ethical challenges and successes do you foresee or have you faced?
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Institution, Department, or Unit *
What is the theme of this lightning talk? *
Lightning talks must fit one of the sub-themes.
Lightning talk title *
Please describe what you plan to share during the session (200 words or less). *
Successful proposals will clearly and succinctly describe a presentation that will fit within the 3-minute limit. Please note that all talks will be in person. Your proposal will be evaluated based on how it addresses the following questions: (1) What is the context and significance behind the problem you are trying to solve? (2) What kind of resources, expertise, services do you bring to the campus community or potential collaborators? (3) If you are looking for collaborators, what kind of expertise are you looking for in them? (4) What methodological, logistic, and ethical challenges and successes do you foresee or have you faced?
Would you like this submission to be considered for poster session if it is not selected for a lightning talk? *
Would you like your lightning talk to be recorded? (Your answer will not impact our review process) *
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