Application for Membership in Living Vow Zen 
To the Board of Trustees of Living Vow Zen (LiVZ): 
Email *
Name:  *
I have practiced Zen through seated meditation for a period of not less than three months, primarily with (check all applicable answers below):  *
In order to become a member of Living Vow Zen, we ask that each applicant make an annual donation for as little as one dollar. Have you made a contribution within this calendar year? 
I am personally known to the following LiVZ teacher or practice group leader, who may be consulted regarding this application: 
By typing my name below, I confirm that I am requesting that the Board of Trustees of LiVZ recognize me as a member of LiVZ. I acknowledge that the Board of Trustees must approve this application and will contact me when my application has been voted upon.
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