Voices of the Valley New Member Audition Form
Auditions for Voices of the Valley take place in May, August, December, and January for new members.  

Please note that singers that are new to Voices of the Valley will be placed in choirs based on their ability level not age. Those new members without prior choral training should audition for Prima Voce (beginning choir). New members who sing in school choirs may audition for Bella Voce, but will need to complete a recommendation letter from their music teacher/choir director in addition to audition requirements listed below.

Fall audition video submissions for new members are due May 21, 2023 by 5:00 pm EST.

Please see our website (www.voicesofthevalleychorus.org) for audition requirements.

Please email our staff if you have any questions at voicesofthevalleychoir@gmail.com.
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Email *
Please enter your name. *
Please enter your parent/guardian name. *
Please enter your address. *
Please enter your phone number. *
Please enter your date of birth *
What school do you attend? *
Tell us about your musical experience. Have you ever sung in a choir? If so, where and how long? Do you play any instruments? Do you take private music instruction? If so, how long have you taken lessons? *
Please select the choir for which you are auditioning for the 2020-2021 season. *
Have you confirmed that you meet all prerequisites for your selected choir? You may go to http://www.voicesofthevalleychorus.org/join-us.html to view prerequisites and audition requirements. *
Please submit your YouTube link below for steps 1 and 2 of your audition.   *
Please select a date/time that you would be available for the sight reading portion (Bella Voce auditions only) of your audition. Check all that apply. You will receive an email with your specific audition time. If none of these times work for you, please email our staff at voicesofthevalleychoir@gmail.com to schedule a time.
Please type the singer's and the parent/guardian's name below agreeing to the following statement: You understand that submitting an audition does not automatically place you into the choir of your choice. Choir placement is at the directors' discretion. *
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