Register for SCERTS Day 3 - Somerset Council (Open to Somerset Local Authority and NHS Staff)                                                                  15 January 2024 (9am - 3pm - UK Time) -- Led by Emily Rubin (SCERTS co-author)
Hosted by Somerset County Council, Children’s Services, Inclusion - SEN Advisory Services
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SCERTS Day 3 - Assessment
This virtual workshop is typically referred to as Day 3 of our 3 day SCERTS course. This course is most relevant for those who have already participated in Day 1, our introduction to SCERTS, and Day 2, program design using SCERTS. The focus of this session will be on providing specific guidelines in administering the SCERTS Assessment Process (SAP). The SAP is a curriculum-based assessment designed to pinpoint next steps in the domains of social communication and emotional regulation, the core challenges in children and adolescents with social emotional learning differences. The SAP is designed to: 1) establish a profile of developmental strengths and needs, 2) to write meaningful, purposeful, and motivating educational goals based on a learner's profile, functional needs, and preferences, 3) to select the most appropriate interpersonal and learning supports, and 5) to monitor progress over time. Our virtual format is interactive and participants will have the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and learn from one another throughout the day. Although not required to participate in this course, those interested in using the SCERTS Assessment in their settings may wish to acquire the SCERTS Manuals, as all of the forms and materials are included in this resource.
Please provide today's date. *
Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Job Title *
Organization / Company *
Name of School (or N/A) *
Have you already signed up for / participated in SCERTS Day 1 and Day 2, as Day 3 is designed for those seeking more advanced assessment methods? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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