Willow Creek Improv Conservatory Application
This 12 session course will provide students with a deep dive into the world of improv. Built to support the development of new and experienced improvisers alike, this conservatory program is designed to build a community of improvisers committed to achieving their highest potential in the art form. Anyone wanting to develop their skills regardless of their current skill level is encouraged to apply. 

This season is brought to you in partnership with the legendary Chicago improv theater, and birthplace of longform improv, The iO Theater! iO will be sending a team of professional improvisers to perform a show as well as a teach a workshop for conservatory students the weekend of November 15th-16th (exact times TBA). Both the show and workshop are included free with the cost of conservatory. This season's team will be Dumb John! 

Completing a season of conservatory also makes improvisers eligible to join Willow Creek's house improv teams including Lady Franklyn. Interested conservatory students will be offered spots on teams by invite as spots become available. Joining a team is not a requirement for, or expected of, conservatory students.

Monday Session Dates: Class sessions will be from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Willow Creek Theatre Company. The first session starts September 9th, and the last session will be on November 25th. The following weeks may be used as makeup sessions in case class has to be canceled for any reason.

Thursday Session Dates: Class sessions will be from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Willow Creek Theatre Company. The first session starts September 19th, and the last session will be on December 19th. The weeks of October 31st and November 28th will not have class sessions to allow for holiday plans. The following week of December 19th may be used as makeup sessions in case class has to be canceled for any reason.

As a special bonus, all current conservatory students receive free admission to any standard improv show at Willow Creek Theatre that is headlined by a Willow Creek house team (such as Lady Franklyn). Depending on the show schedule, that could be as high as a $200 value included free with enrollment.

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Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Which sessions are you available for? Preferences will be taken into account, but those available for both may be assigned to one in order to balance numbers as well as possible. Assignments may also occur if one session fills or one is canceled due to lack of numbers.  *
This conservatory season will cost $450 per person, however this price point is meant to support our program and instructors, not to exclude anyone on the basis of price. To that end we are offering a variety of payment options to cater to anyone's financial needs. Admission is entirely merit based so the option you select will have no basis on whether you are accepted into the program. We only ask this question to allow us to plan further ahead with our budget, so please select whatever option best works for you. *
If you are requesting financial assistance, please describe what rate and payment schedule you can afford. This program is run by working artists who understand the need for accessibility in the arts, so please be honest with what you can afford so we can find a way to help. Even if that amount is $0.
Describe why you are interested in joining the conservatory: *
What does improv mean to you and/or what are you hoping to get out of studying improv? *
Describe your previous improv experience: *
Would you like to be considered for a spot on a house team like Lady Franklyn?
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Is there anything else you'd like us to consider with your application?
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