The BEcome Project:  Board of Directors Application


Transforming young women, aging out of foster care, to live victorious and fulfilled lives. 


The organization of Choice for developing and empowering young women aging out of foster care.

Thank you for your interest in the mission and vision of The BEcome Project.  The BEcome Project is a faith-based 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.  Our selection process involves completion of this form and an interview with the Executive Director and Board member.

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Email *
Name *
Title *
Employer (If Applicable) *
Position Title *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Work Phone *
Cell Phone *
Date of Birth *

If you hold church membership or belong to a community of faith, please indicate which one:


Please indicate your access to resources and networks that are relevant to the work of The BEcome Project areas of substantial expertise that you would bring with your service (please place an X next to all that apply):


In considering service on the Board of Directors, what are your interests and what attracts you to this mission?  Please summarize any experience with women existing out of foster care.


Please outline your experience as a Volunteer Board or Committee Member:


Whom may we contact for information about your performance in these positions? Please list two names and contact information. These references will be checked as part of the selection process.

Reference Name (1) *
Reference Title (1) *
Reference Phone (1) *
Reference Name (2) *
Reference Title (2) *
Reference Phone (2) *
Additional Information
In compliance with state law, contracts and licensing all appointed board members will be required to be fingerprinted at a minimum.

The BEcome Project may request a copy of your resume, if available.
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