Open Application form with AppointX
Hi! We're happy to have you here, means you are looking into working with AppointX!

Please take your time to answer these questions as in depth as possible. We value work ethic & your only way to prove your work ethic today is by how well you fill this form in.

Thanks, AppointX
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Email *
Full Name  *
Phone *
What country are you based in? *
Where did you hear from us? *
Make a 2 minute long loom video wearing a white shirt, where you explain who you are and WHY we should hire you opposed to anybody else filling this form in. Make the video no longer than 2 minutes long. (link it here)
How many hours will you be able to work weekly if we were to bring you on & what would those hours be? Eg: I can work 56 hours per week between 12 AM - 8 PM 7 days per week.

After working with us for 3 months, what would be the on target earnings you'd expect for you to feel appropriately compensated for your work? Please answer in monthly earnings. 

What is the bare minimum amount you would be willing to accept to start of with. Please answer in monthly earnings *
Was there a specific role you were looking to work as? (If so, which one) *
These are the MAIN roles we are hiring for currently, please select one or multiple you would be open to. *
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