16 Week CSA Sign Up
We are so excited you've landed on our CSA page! We love growing food for our CSA members, the cornerstone of our farm’s community. CSA, in case you were wondering, stands for Community Supported Agriculture. When you become a CSA member, you are purchase a “share” of the vegetables that we grow on the farm that season.

When you join the CSA you become a part of our farm family, and this is a relationship we cherish and take seriously. You can expect delicious veggies, regular newsletters, and a real connection with your food & your farmers.

For 16 weeks, you'll receive 6 to 8 seasonal vegetables – the best and freshest of what's available on the farm. It's a good fit for households of 1 to 3 people.

You can choose to pick up your box from The Wonder Building on Post Street on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm or you can choose delivery (fees apply) on Sundays. 

The approximate start date is June 12th however, because the weather can be volatile and directly affects whether our crops are ready, we will announce the exact start date for you share in your email newsletter (so be sure you’re receiving and reading those!).

If you will be out of town, we encourage you to send a friend or neighbor to pick up your share in your place. Unfortunately we cannot offer alternate pick up days as our schedule is truly jam-packed during the farming season. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

At the moment, we are unable to swap out or change any items in your box. Although, we hope to provide this in the coming years. If you are unsure about whether or not you are comfortable with receiving vegetables seasonally we encourage you to read "Is a CSA right for me?" on our website. You can also visit us at The Wonder Building on Saturdays to shop at the farmers market.

$560 for Pick Up at the Wonder Building on Saturdays from 9 am - 1 pm
$640 for Delivery in Spokane County
$95 add a dozen free range, organic fed chicken eggs for 16 weeks
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Please check the box below showing that you have read and understand the information above** *
Which CSA is right for you? *
Contact Information
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Full Address (Street address, City, State, ZIP Code) *
Special Instructions for Delivery *
Email *
I agree you can send me emails regarding my CSA subscription. *
Once you complete this form, an invoice will be emailed to the email in this form. I understand that I will not be officially signed up for the CSA until I pay my balance in full. *
I understand that once I sign up and pay for my membership in full, I have secured my place in the CSA for the respective season. There are no refunds, either full or partial, for cancellation of my CSA once purchased. Members may choose to find an alternate person to buy out the rest of the season’s share, and the share ownership will be transferred to the alternate person. The alternate person will pay the original shareholder directly. *
I understand that the start date of each CSA share is flexible, based on seasonal conditions and product availability. I am aware that North Pine Farm will communicate via email to inform all members of updates and the official start date, and that it is my responsibility to contact the farm via email if I am not receiving notifications near the projected CSA start date. *
I understand that my share will be delivered weekly to the desired location. If I am out of town or unable to pick up my CSA for any reason, I understand that it is my responsibility to find a substitute to collect my share. If I am unable to pick up my share I will entitle a friend to do so. I understand that if my share is not picked up on the designated day, within the designated time, I forfeit that share and that it will be donated at the discretion of the farmer. I will not receive credit or a refund for any shares that I do not pick up. Pick up time parameters are set for the entirety of the season. I agree to not sign up for the CSA knowing that I cannot make it to pick up on the designated day & time. I agree to not arrive early or late to the pick up location expecting my share to be available. I understand that the pick up location is also a place of business, and that I am not to interrupt or distract the staff in the course of their normal duties. *
I may coordinate the splitting of my CSA share with another individual. I understand that North Pine Farm does not facilitate such arrangements, and does not coordinate special payment on split shares. I will make all arrangements myself for collecting payment from the individual with whom I am splitting my share. *
I understand that as a member, I share in both the bounty and the risks of farming. I understand that the risks include poor harvests due to unfavorable weather or pests, or the total loss of all crops due to a natural disaster such as fire, flood, or drought. *
Sign me up! *
Where did you hear about us? *
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