Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gain a greater understanding of you and your dog’s needs, lifestyle and goals for training. Please be as detailed as possible in your answers, and leave any questions that do not apply to the services you require blank. All information provided in this questionnaire is confidential and not shared with any 3rd parties (unless previously discussed with the consenting client).
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Client(s) name: *
Client(s) Home Address: *
Client(s) Phone: *
Client(s) Email address(es):  *
Dog(s) name(s): *
Age, Breed, Gender, Fixed/Intact: *
Is your dog Fully Vaccinated (Proof of Rabies & DA2PP vaccinations required)
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When was their last vet visit (date), and what was the nature of the visit? *
Is your dog on any kind of prescription medication?
Any food or environmental allergies I should be aware of?
How long have you had this dog?
Please provide the names, pronouns and age of each member who will be involved in our sessions. Please indicate the primary caregiver of the dog:
Please provide information on any other animals in the household, and the nature of their relationship with the dog:
If adopted/ rehomed, what information do you have regarding this dog’s history? (Please provide any extra documents, including adoption papers, previous medical history, previous behavioral assessments, etc. via email attachment or hardcopy during consultation):
Does your dog have a bite history (towards humans or other animals)?:
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If "Yes", please describe (include date, individuals involved, and if the incidents were reported to by-law):
What does a daily routine (Morning/ Noon/ Night) with your dog look like? 
On average, how much physical activity does your dog get in a day (# of hours out of 24), and what kind?:
On average, how much sleep does your dog get in a day (# of hours out of 24)?:
Any previous training experience?
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If "Yes", what cues does your dog already know? Please also indicate how well they know each cue on a scale of 1 (needs much more practice) to 10 (completely reliable):
What rewards do you use (food, toys, affection, verbal praise, etc.)? What types of rewards are their favorites?:
Have you or has anyone else in your dog’s history used aversive methods of training (including leash and/or physical corrections, prong, choke and/ or shock collars, etc.)?:
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If "Yes", please describe: 
Does your dog have any behavior concerns (including leash reactivity, resource guarding, fearfulness, aggression towards other dogs or humans, etc.)?:
What does this behavior look like (describe what your dog is doing when this behavior occurs)?:
When did this behavior begin (please be as specific as possible)?:
Does the behavior happen during certain times and/or in certain places? If so, when/ where?:
Have you noticed what might trigger or initiate these behavior(s)? Please list (be as specific as possible):
Can you describe the intensity (scale of 1 to 10), duration (how long does this behaviour last) and frequency (how often does the behaviour occur) of the behavior(s)?
What is the handler’s reaction towards the dog’s behavior? What is the current protocol?:
If your dog is left alone throughout the week (due to work, school, errands, etc.), how long on average?:
Have there been any changes in the household (including moving households, routine changes, household member’s moving in/out, etc.)?:
Have there been any changes in the neighborhood (including new neighbors, construction, etc.)?:
What are your specific training goals that you would like to work on together? Check all that apply:
If "Other" is selected, please specify below:
How did you hear about Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting?
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