Palisades Middle School (PALMS) Absence Excuse
*This form must be completed by the student's custodial parent/legal guardian. Completion by anyone other than the student's custodial parent/legal guardian is unacceptable.
*This form must be submitted within 3 days of the date of absence.  
*A signed physician's note is required in order to excuse absences beyond 10 or more cumulative occurrences and/or occurrences of 4 or more consecutive absences.
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Email *
Last Name of Student *
First Name of Student *
Student's grade level: *
Date of absence: *
Custodial parent/legal guardian first and last name:
Reason for absence: *
IF Reason for absence is OTHER, please complete below:  
By typing your name below, you certify that you are the custodial parent/legal guardian for the student named herein and the information stated is true and correct.  Please submit this form when complete. *
Please see COVID Response Information attached here:  COVID Response 22-23Untitled Title
Signed absence excuse notes from a licensed physician can be scanned and emailed to the PALMS Attendance Secretary at or faxed to 610-847-2691 (attention T. Gledhill should be noted on the fax).
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