Funded by the South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG), the City of New Haven is working with the Community Alliance for Research & Engagement (CARE) and Street Plans to develop conceptual traffic safety improvements for three high-interest areas along Orchard Street between Munson Street and Davenport Avenue. These high-interest segments were selected based on an analysis of the frequency and types of crashes within the last five years, as well as proximity to essential services and assets along the corridor.
Subject to future design and construction funding, these recommendations will form the basis for implementation as potential interim- and long-term safety projects. This effort is a part of the City of New Haven's Safe Routes for All initiative, commenced in 2022 with the adoption of the Active Transportation Plan.
After integrating all feedback, the project team will host a virtual presentation of the final draft concept plans on Wednesday, January 29th at 6pm. Save this link to join via video when it's time (, or dial 646-931-3860 and use Meeting ID 890 5503 5048 to call in.
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