Herizon Music Maker Sign Up
The Herizon Music Makers program gives you access to industry experts, advice, resources, events, and offers designed to help you achieve merit-based success in the music industry. Presented through a female lens, we think you’ll find this curated collection and community unique, safe and supportive. Our goal is to help you achieve your professional and personal goals! 

We’re finalizing the platform right now. When we officially launch Herizon Music Makers program, you’ll receive an email with all the details and an access link. Meanwhile, you’ll receive our free newsletter and podcast episodes. Easy!

** BONUS: We have patrons who want to sponsor you! A sponsorship provides you a 12-month subscription (worth $90) to the program portal, its archives, and events. Just complete the form and choose the patron option. We’ll send you more information in a followup email. 

Rock on,
Thea Wood, Herizon Music Founder and Host
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
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State (ex: NY) *
Website or main social URL *
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Your role(s) in the music industry, check all that apply *
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