OYCP - Send a note to your Cadet
a. Select the Platoon your cadet is in and type in their name
b. Type in your name, Your Email Address, and select your relationship with the cadet.
c. Type your message and click the submit button. TEXT ONLY! Images, emoji's, or anything that is not text will not be printed and may cause the note to not process correctly.
d. The page will display, "Note to your Cadet has been sent" when it goes through.

Messages are printed and delivered to cadets every evening at mail call. Note, messages may be briefly screened by a staff member for inappropriate content.
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Platoon *
Cadet Name *
Sender Name *
Sender Email *
Relationship *
TEXT ONLY! Images, emoji's, or anything that is not text will not be printed and may cause the note to not process correctly. We are finding some emoji's are causing the letters not to be printed.
Note to send to Cadet *
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