Want Rachel to train your team or speak at your event?

Over the past 10 years, I've coached hundreds of freelancers and business owners on how to grow their business and improve their marketing.

If you'd like to me to train your team, speak to your group, or hold a workshop for team – fill in the short form below and tell me more about what you're working on. 

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Email address *
What is your full name?
Phone Number  (with area code)
When is the best time for us to talk? (Please include your location or time zone)
What is your company name or description?
What is your Website URL if you have one?
Tell me a bit about our audience – who are we speaking to?  *
How big is your audience?
(email list or community size, etc.)
What topic would be most relevant for your group?  *
How did you hear about me or find my website?
Any other details, information, or questions you could share with me?
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