CryptoCart Bridge Form
We have temporarily disabled our bridge service whilst one of the services in the bridge has stopped working. Everything is completely secure, the issue is a service we used to estimate gas prices when performing the bridge is no longer working and it's falling back on extremely high gas prices when performing the estimation. In some instances the gas prices were $200 to do a bridge transaction.

While we look at making changes to the code we have removed all the tokens from the bridges and disabled the service. 

All requests will be handled manually for the foreseeable until the code is changed and tested. If your bridged tokens haven't arrived in your wallet within 24 hours of filling this form, email

We will put an announcement back across our socials when the bridge is live again and fully automated, but for the time being bridging will be a manual process and we'll aim to complete the bridging process as soon as possible. All we would need for you to do is fill out this very short form.

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What chain are you bridging FROM.
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If you are bridging from the Ethereum network (tokens on ETH) send them to the following wallet address:

If you are bridging from Binance Smart Chain (tokens on BSC) send them to the following wallet address:

Tokens sent to the wrong address or wrong network could result in funds being lost, or delays on your bridge request. Please make sure you double check the addresses before completing your transaction.
Transaction link of sending tokens into the bridge
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