2021 Juried Show Feedback Survey
The CCAL board of directors is interested in your opinions regarding the CCAL March 2021 Juried Show held at Crooked Creek Park. This year's show had 103 entries and a number of works sold. A hybrid online and in-person reception and awards ceremony was held on Monday March 15. The show hung from February 27 to March 27 with winners hanging in the front TAP Gallery until April 19.

Thank you for participating in our event. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it.

While we all understand this year was a bit of a different experience due to COVID, we want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content for future shows.

Please fill out this survey and push the "SUBMIT" button to provide your comments. DEADLINE for completion is Friday June 26. Your answers will be kept anonymous.
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Email *
Overall, how satisfied were you with the show and reception? *
Not very
Very much
Did you submit art work to the 2021 Juried Show? Answer "yes" or "no". *
Please enter comments on why you did or did not enter. We are particularly interested in hearing why members might not have entered.
Overall, how satisfied were you with the show logistics? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Communication emails & posts
Online Registration Process
In-Person Registration Process
Art Take-In
Awards ceremony
Art Pick-Up
Please enter comments and feedback on logistics.
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