2020 SA Annual General Meeting
The 2020 SA Annual General Meeting will be held on 21 Mar 2020, 4.30 pm*. The committee would like to find out the number of meeting attendees so that we can secure a suitable venue.
* In the event we do not have a quorum, the discussion will commence half an hour later.

Please indicate your attendance in the below form by the end of 19 Mar 2020.

The committee will announce the venue in due course. In the meantime, please monitor your email and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/scrabbleassociationsg/) for further announcements.

For your information, here are the matters arising:
1. To consider and adopt the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting. These were circulated in the 2019 1Q issue of this newsletter.
2. To approve the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019. The print accounts will be circulated in this issue if ready in time or failing that in the next issue of SA News.
3. To elect a Treasurer to serve until the conclusion of the 2021 Annual General Meeting and to elect other SA Officers and Committee for until the conclusion of the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
Note: It is expected that at the 2021 AGM, the committee will recommend that the Secretary will stand for election as Treasurer and vice versa, which will satisfy RoS regulations and minimize disruption.
To elect two new Honorary Auditors for the year to 31 December 2020. SA thanks Charles Carneiro and Leon Tan for serving as Honorary Auditors for 2019.

Any Other Business
4. To approve the adoption of the updated WESPA Rules v4. In practical terms the new version is already in use in local tournaments.
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What is your name? *
I will be attending the SA Annual General Meeting on 21 Mar 2020, 4.30 pm. (Note: In the event we do not have a quorum, the discussion will commence half an hour later.) *
I am open to becoming an Honorary Auditor for the year to 31 December 2020. *
I would like to join the SA Committee (please leave blank if you are already on the committee).
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If your answer to the above question is 'Yes', please state your preferred role (list of roles is at https://www.toucanet.com/committee.html)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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