Mentee Application
Thank you for your interest in being a mentee for the 2021 AFP GDC Mentorship Program. To apply, please complete the following form by April 12, 2021. If you have questions please email Erin Lin at

If selected, please be prepared for the Mentorship Kickoff on April 21, 2021 at noon.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
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Preferred Pronoun
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Age *
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I have unique abilities and need special assistance
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Job Experience
Clear selection
Organization: *
Organization Location *
Geographic Area Served *
Annual Organization Operating Budget *
Title: *
Does your organization have staff specifically dedicated to fund development? If so, how many and what are their roles? How does your position fit in? *
Years of Experience in Fundraising Profession *
Preferred Mailing Address (Office or Home) *
City of Residence *
Preferred Phone Number *
AFP Membership *
Why are you interested in being a Mentor? (recommended 50-100 words) *
What are your career goals? *
What are the biggest barriers in reaching your goals? *
What would you look for in an ideal mentor both personally (e.g. work style, personality, etc.) and professionally (e.g. expertise, experiences, etc.)? *
Please choose from the list below to rank the top five areas where you would like to develop your skills. The Mentorship Committee will use your professional development interests to select the appropriate mentor *
Please send your resume to Sarah Dysinger at
By signing below, the applicant agrees to the following if chosen for the mentee program: - Attend the Mentorship AFP kickoff meeting (April 7 at noon); Coordinate at least three face-to-face meetings with mentor;  - Attend National Philanthropy Day in November (Exact date TBD, at no cost); Attend the AFP Greater Detroit chapter Annual Meeting in December (date TBD); Complete all session or program evaluations as requested. Your printed name below will serve as your signature and pledge to follow the Mentor Agreement.
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