CATO Charter Revision Sign-Up Form
Beginning in the new year, co-chairs Michael and Zach will lead efforts to revise and update CATO's Charter and membership requirements so that our group's work, goals, and voices are accurately documented. (Monica and Vicki will support these efforts.)

We are seeking 1-2 other CATO members to help get this done before fall 2024. We are considering two different formats and we anticipate about 15-20 hours of total work time.

Option 1: Monthly two-hour meetings held on Zoom starting in Jan/Feb.
Option 2: Work retreat held over 2-3 business days either over Zoom or with an in-person/hybrid option. Likely in late winter or spring timeframe. 

If you are interested AND available to assist in this work, please respond to the form questions below.
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Your First and Last Name
I am more than likely able to commit between 15 and 20 hours towards the Charter Revision work.
If you answered either "No" or "Other" to the above question, please provide more information here. How much time do you think you can commit to this work? What concerns do you have?
Which meeting format do you prefer?
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這份表單是在 SBCTC 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形