Saskatchewan Health Care Providers Requiring Assistance During COVID-19
Firstly, thank you! Thank you for all the good work you are doing for the patients of Saskatchewan. We understand that circumstances are constantly changing and that you are needed now, perhaps more than ever. As well, we realize that many of you have families and with daycare and school being unpredictable at this time, we—the students—are doing our part to step up and offer what help we can. We have a significant list of healthcare students students willing to fill gaps in childcare, petcare, and running small errands. Here are a few reminders moving forward:

1. Your family will be matched with a student who is willing to help and we will keep matching 1:1 for as long as we have available students. It is up to that student for how long/ often they are able to help. **They may not be able to address every need but are here to try and pitch in where they can**

2. Given the nature of the student-HCP relationship and the fact that external circumstances may prevent some students from volunteering their time it is expected that these interactions have no influence on the learning or evaluation of students involved.
3. This initiative is entirely student-run and voluntary. Student academic performance must come first as courses switch towards self-directed learning.
4. Childcare can only be provided to children without fever/ flu-like symptoms for the safety of everyone involved.
5. We are volunteering our time as it is needed, however should you students be running errands it is expected that physicians will reimburse them for fuel and purchases made.
6. Students are to indicate if they are comfortable providing childcare, pet care, or if they would be more comfortable helping with small errands. We will match them up with you accordingly.
7. Students are to wash their hands and follow the social distancing protocols recommended by the university, including avoiding hand-shaking/hugs, minimizing in-person meetings, avoiding crowded places, and maintaining a distance of 2m between theirself and others when possible, and contact 811 if they are experiencing symptoms.

Jessica Froehlich, Sehjal Bhargava, Alexa McEwen
Medical students, Class of 2022
University of Saskatchewan

Colten Molnar and Sarah White
Medical students, Class of 2023
University of Saskatchewan
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Email *
Contact phone number *
Name *
What is your profession/ Institution?
Preferred contact method *
Are you based in Saskatoon or Regina? *
What supports do you need? *
Is this a one time thing? Or do you see this being more regular. (re-evaluating weekly)
IF you have requested pet or child care, please share additional details here. Specific points of interest: how many children do you have? Do they have any unique needs/considerations? Any allergies/dietary restrictions? Please put n/a if not applicable.
IF you have requested pet or child care, what specific tasks would you like the student to help with? Please put n/a if not applicable.
Where do you live? (No need to give your specific address, but this will help us match you with a doc in your approximate geographic area) *
Generally speaking, what time(s) of day do you require the above-mentioned support(s)-keeping in mind that your job is unpredictable right now and we are prepared to be flexible? *
How urgently do you need this service?
Any additional comments/thoughts?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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