Mixed Tragedy Recap
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Complete this quotation:     'Half-ignorant, they turned an easy wheel, / That set sharp racks at work to... *
1 point
Othello: I that am cruel, am yet _______________. *
1 point
Who looks 'piteous on dead and senseless things'? *
1 point
"To morrow will I bow to my delight, / "To-morrow will I ask my lady's boon."— / "O may I never see another night, / "Lorenzo, if thy lips breathe not love's tune."—So spake they to their pillows; but, alas, / ____________days and days did he let pass... *
1 point
Who says this?  "Ha! ha! I knew not this hard life, I thought the worst was simple misery; I thought some Fate with pleasure or with strife portion'd us—happy days, or else to die..." *
1 point
Isabella's brothers are 'enriched from _______________ _____________'. *
1 point
In which scene does Cassio bemoan the loss of his 'reputation'? *
1 point
Othello: The tyrant, custom...... / Hath made the f__________ a______ s________ c__________ of war / My thrice-driven bed of down. *
1 point
Which text does this line come from?    'As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again.' *
1 point
Othello: My blood begins my safer guides to rule; And passion, having my best judgment ______________, Assays to lead the way. *
1 point
The 'Lethe' is the river of ________ in the classical underworld. *
1 point
Who is compared to a 'missioned spirit'? *
1 point
Iago: You'll have your daughter covered with a... *
1 point
Iago: The Moor already... *
1 point
Othello: Here is my _____________ _____, here is my butt, And very sea-mark of my utmost sail. *
1 point
Othello: Yet I'll not shed her blood; / Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, / And smooth as _______________________________________. *
1 point
In which scene does Othello say:   "Farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! / Farewell the plumèd troops and the big wars / That makes ambition virtue! Oh, farewell! / Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,  / The spirit-stirring drum, th' ear-piercing fife, / The royal banner, and all quality, / Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war! / And O you mortal engines, whose rude throats / The immortal Jove’s dead clamors counterfeit, / Farewell! Othello’s occupation’s gone"? *
1 point
...he arose / Ethereal, flushed, and like a throbbing star / Seen mid the sapphire heaven's deep repose; / Into her dream he __________, as the rose / Blendeth its odour with the violet,—Solution sweet: *
1 point
Keats asks for a pardon from ____________ for his crime of echoing him by making 'old prose in modern rhyme more sweet.' *
1 point
No heart was there in Florence but did mourn / In pity of her love, so overcast. / And a _____ _________ of this story born / From mouth to mouth through all the country pass'd: / Still is the burthen sung—"O cruelty, / "To steal my Basil-pot away from me!" *
1 point
Iago: The Moor is of a _____ and _____ nature, that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by the nose as asses are. *
1 point
They glide, like ____________, into the wide hall; Like ____________, to the iron porch, they glide... *
1 point
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does Keats directly and repeatedly accuse the brothers of? *
1 point
Othello: O perjured woman! thou dost stone my heart, / And makest me call what I intend to do / A murder, which I thought a _______________. *
1 point
Complete the line: I saw their starved lips *
1 point
In Othello, who says: 'I do not find that thou dealest justly with me'? *
1 point
In Othello, who says: 'I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for daws to peck at'? *
1 point
Who says:  'This accident is not unlike my dream. Belief of it oppresses me already'? *
1 point
Who said that Othello is 'by far the most romantic figure among Shakespeare’s heroes … he does not belong to our world, and he seems to enter it we know not whence – almost as if from wonderland.’ *
1 point
What phrase did Keats coin to describe the *opposite* of his own poetic sensibilities and ideals, especially to describe the obtrusive sense of the writer's identity in the poems of Wordsworth? *
1 point
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