MFU Lobby Day 2025

Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) is excited to welcome our family farmer members to the State Capitol for our annual, in-person Lobby Day Drive-in on Tuesday, February 4th. We plan to start at 10:00am and end the day with an evening legislative reception from 4:30-7:00pm at Farmers Kitchen + Bar (750 S 2nd St Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401).

We are looking forward to a Lobby Day that helps members build relationships with policymakers, demonstrates our collective power, and helps policymakers better understand the needs of farmers and rural communities. Your advocacy will help legislators enact policies that make healthcare more affordable, promote competitive markets, expand local and regional processing, promote climate resilience, and otherwise promote an agriculture economy that is distributed, resilient, and fair.

Contact Stu Lourey, Government Relations Director, with any questions: (320) 232-3047,

For MFU staff to schedule meeting with your legislative representatives, please RSVP by Friday, January 24. 

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Farm name (if applicable)
Cell phone number
Home street address, city, state and zip code *
County name *
Are you interested in carpooling to St. Paul with other members nearby? (If yes, your email and phone number will be shared to attendees in your region)
Are you bringing a guest? *
If you are bringing a guest, what is your guest's name? (required for registration)
Can MFU staff set up a meeting with your legislators?
Is there anything you’re particularly motivated to discuss with lawmakers?
Will you be attending the evening reception (4:30-7:00pm) on February 4th at Farmers Kitchen + Bar? *
Are there any accommodations that you or your guest (if applicable) will require in order to have a successful Lobby Day experience? 
Please click the submit button below.  

For any additional questions, please contact Stu Lourey, Government Relations Director, at (320) 232-3047, or 

Thank you for your RSVP to Lobby Day! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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