DataLore Hack - General Application
We’re looking for filmmakers, artists, designers, developers, engineers, scientists, scholars, researchers, journalists, and storytellers to join interdisciplinary teams of 4-5 people. If you want to participate on a team and explore creative data-driven storytelling, please fill out the application below.

If you are currently working with a dataset that you want to use to tell a story, apply here:
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Twitter handle
Institutional, Community or Corporate Affiliation *
How do you identify? *
Please check all that apply
Please list any skillsets you can bring to the hackathon, such as video production, web programming, graphic design, relevant software packages, etc: *
Please provide a link (or a few) to your previous work, with a short description of each. This could be a video clip, github repository, design portfolio, written publication or anything that shows off your skills. *
Have you ever attended a hackathon before? *
If yes, please list any hackathons or related events you've attended in the past:
Please list any equipment, software or hardware you could bring to the hackathon:
Why are you interested in the intersection of data and visual storytelling? *
If selected, are you available to attend the hackathon in Cambridge, MA, on June 24-26, 2016? *
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