10 sample Covid-19 Quiz
Online Quiz
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1. What is the full name Covid-19? *
10 points
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2. Covid virus is resulted from ? *
10 points
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3. How does Covid-19 spread? *
10 points
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4. What are the symptoms of COVID-19? *
10 points
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5. How can I help protect myself? *
10 points
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6. If you are sick, to keep from spreading respiratory illness to others, you should *
10 points
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7. What should I do if I recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19? *
10 points
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8. How many times a day you need to check temperature? *
10 points
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9. What are the precaution to take before, during and after training? *
10 points
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10. Do you train if you feeling sick after temperature check? *
10 points
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