Topic Survey for LJ's Public Library Safety Summit  - April 27-28, 2023
The Summit will deliver exemplars of effective approaches to public library safety as well as exemplars from other types of open-access buildings.  This is a big and complex subject. Much more than we can cover in just a day and a half.  Please help us prioritize which subjects we delve into at this initial meeting by completing the following survey. 

 If you are unable to attend the in-person event but are interested in attending our online course in the Fall, you can indicate that in the following survey. 

Thank you in advance for your time and input.  We look forward to seeing you in Columbus in April! 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Organization\Library *
Please choose the 6 subjects that you would most like to see addressed during the event.  *
Please let us know if there are any features you'd like us to incorporate into the event (facilitated discussions, professional tracks, fast-learning sessions, etc.) or presenters or other things you'd like us to consider when developing the program.  
Fast-Learning Proposal:  Do you have a safety program, approach or learning that you'd like to share with others at the Summit? Please tell us about it in a paragraph or two (submission deadline is Feb. 2nd). You will be notified by March 6th regarding the status of your submission. If your proposal is selected, you will be invited to give a 10 min. presentation at the Summit and your registration fee will be waived.
I and/or my colleagues are unable to attend the April Safety Summit but would like to receive information about the Fall online course. 
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