Acreage Labradoodles - Guardian Application Form
Thank you for applying to become an extended part of our family by welcoming a guardian dog into your family. Guardian dogs help ethical breeders to ensure each dog in our program has a loving family and the best care and attention to thrive and live their best life. It is a partnership, and we are here to walk alongside you through this journey.

Guardian dogs are carefully selected for their temperament and coat. They are the pick of their litter. They then join our breeding program providing they pass all their health tests at 16 weeks. As a guardian family you would need to be willing to bring the dog to us when they are required for breeding purposes, this could be to our property in Rochedale (South of Brisbane) or to one of our vets in Brisbane, we use a reproductive specialist vet (Queensland Veterinary Specialists) for our breeding.

Our female dogs have 2-3 litters each and once she has been retired (before five years old) she becomes your forever pet.

There are benefits and responsibilities to guardianship and we really want to find the right families for this opportunity.

Please see below what benefits and responsibilities are involved and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.


Pick of the litter for temperament and coat
Deposit of $1000 rebated when retired (desexed at breeders’ expense)
Lots of videos and updates on your pup and her litter as well as visits for snuggles
Boarding for long weekends as we always like to have a close relationship with our pups
Lots of support from us!
Seeing your pups’ beautiful babies grow and make their families lives so much richer


Taking your dog to QVS for breeding purposes on specific heats  
Keeping them in a secure area when they come into season (usually every 6 – 9 months)
Caring for your dog during pregnancy and bringing her to us 5 days before birth (approx. 63 days) Females
Being prepared for your dog to stay with us while we care for her and her litter for 5-6 weeks (a lot of families find this a good time to book a holiday)
•     In the rare event your dog does not pass the health checks at 16 weeks the deposit will become the payment and full ownership will be given to the guardian. 

We are very grateful for all our Guardians and will always do what we can to support you.

We look forward to taking this amazing journey together.

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Correo *
Name *
Enter first and last name
Home Address *
Mobile Number *
Size Preference *
Gender Preference *
Do you have a colour preference? *
We allocate puppies at 6 weeks old based on temperament, the more colours you choose the better your chances of getting a puppy.
Are you applying for a particular litter?
Is yes, please indicate the name of the Dam and/or Sire.
When are you ready for a puppy to join your family? *
List the number of people that will share the house with the dog and their ages. *
Do you have other pets and are they de-sexed? *
Give details below:
Have you previously had a dog in your adult life? *
Give details below:
Are you currently working? *
List occupation
I am working: *
Does a family member have allergies or asthma? *
What type of accomodation do you live in? *
Do you own or rent? If you rent do you have approval to have a dog? *
What kind of yard and fencing do you have? *
Where will your dog spend most of his/her time during the day? *
What plans do you have for your dog when you go away on holidays? *
If we have space we can help with boarding.
Puppies exposed to a range of new and safe experiences before the age of 16 weeks become well-adjusted adult dogs. Do you commit to providing your puppy with a varied range of safe social experiences? *
Do you plan to attend puppy school, obedience classes or any other forms of training with your puppy? *
How active would you consider your family and how many times a week are you willing to exercise your dog? *
What characteristics are you looking for in your next fur baby? I.e. energy levels *
What attracted you to Labradoodles? *
Do you believe ethical breeding is important? Why would you like to be involved in our breeding program? *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you agree to crate train the guardian dog? We are happy to provide information. *
Do you agree to have the dog regularly groomed? *
We provide grooming at a discounted rate for guardians
Are you prepared to pay to register the guardian dog with your local Council every year? *
Brisbane City Council charge approximately $150 for an ‘entire’ female dog.
Do you understand that once a deposit is paid, if you decide you are no longer interested in a puppy, that the deposit is non-refundable? *
It is transferable to another litter if there is availability.
Are you prepared to take the guardian dog to our vet when required for breeding or health testing? *
Would you like Instagram updates? If yes, please let me know your Instagram account name. *
Would you consider an Instagram account for the guardian puppy? *
Do you have any further comments or questions?
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