NCAPE 2024 Fall Training Conference
Sept. 30th - Oct. 2nd, 2024
Lake Junaluska, NC
Contact us at 980-521-8104 or

To attend the conference, you must be a member of the Association and your annual dues need to be paid prior to the conference. You can check your membership status or to JOIN the Association send an email to the above address. To join the Association you must meet the association's eligibility requirements as set forth in the By-Laws.

Please DO NOT submit more than one registration. You should receive a conformation when you submit the form. If you do not or you want to confirm your form was submitted please email us.
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Organization *
Payment for the conference. *
Are you a current member of NCAPE *
Will you be staying at the Hotel in Lake Junaluska? *
How did you hear about this Conference? *
I understand that if I owe Annual Membership Fees (now or prior to this conference) the fee will be added to the cost of this conference. *
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