KAP is a cultural immersion project that teaches children of all backgrounds about Africa through arts and culture, promotes inclusion and wellbeing and increases awareness and understanding of cultural differences.
The Fall Kids in Africa Project (KAP)
for Teens is a 12-week cultural journey with an immersion into African arts, cultures, history, and languages for ALL teens aged
13 to 16.
Most non-Black communities are only familiar with the harmful clichés and stereotypes about Blacks and Africans. This project is an opportunity for the children in our community to develop intercultural friendships and learn to respect and appreciate cultures and traditions they are unfamiliar with.
September 28th to December 7th, 2024 Location: Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre, 7645 Prince Albert St, Vancouver
Time: 120:00 pm to 1:30 pm
COST: FREE - Thanks to a grant from the City of Vancouver
***Your child is expected to attend all classes, this is NOT a drop-in class. Please let us know if they are unavailable any of the dates***