HERA Observer Report
new observers!   See here for instructions on how to answer these questions.
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Your Name  *
Observation Date *
Calendar date of the nights observing you are reporting on.  This might be in the past!
Data Good
Give us an overall feel for this night. At first glance, should we use this data? Don't worry, this is not a Final Judgement.

(Hint: see the antclass summary for last night, if it exists)
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Link to Site is (hint: down if gray box on heranow and/or messages on #heracommissioning)
Captionless Image
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Checklist (See This Page)
Overall Change from Yesterday (hint: compare antclass summary between days)
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CAPTCHA Enter a random number. *
Are visitors on site?
If we have out of country crews on site, the odds of fooling around with the array are higher.
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Observing Posture
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Notes and Rumors *
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