Tutor Training application Form.  22-27 of September in Ameland- Netherlands
This is the application form that requires participation for the Tutor Training of a new educational tool in the topic area of migration and inclusion. We invite all the interested people to read the information included in the call and decide to apply responsibly.
Please read the privacy policy by following this link: shorturl.at/gloC3 Sending us this form you agree and give your consent for your personal data to be used and processed within the project as described.
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Email *
Full Name *
Gender *
City and Country of Residence *
Date of Birth *
An emergency number *
Dietary requirements- please specify very clearly (Vegan- Vegetarian- religious food restriction- allergies, etc) *
Do you agree to be photographed, filmed and interviewed? (During the Tutor training there will be a film crew who will shoot videos and apply interviews that will be used to evaluate the game, but also to create promotion and tutorial videos of the game. The photographs will be used for our Public Relations online. We need your positive consent for shooting videos and making photographs.) *
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