2018 Pipeline Initiative
Sponsored by the Students of Color in Public Policy, the Pipeline Initiative aims to help prospective students navigate the MPP/MPA application process and to provide the student perspective on being a member of the Ford School community.  Please fill out this form if you'd like to participate in the 2018 program. We particularly welcome inquiries from students of color to help increase the diversity in our programs.

How does it work?
This outreach program pairs a prospective student, like yourself, with a current graduate student who will act as a mentor and provide guidance on the application process.  For example, mentors can read through your personal statement and provide feedback on your resume. Current students will be paired with applicants based on a variety of factors, i.e. policy interests, undergraduate institution, career goals, etc.

What’s the timeframe?
Mentors will be provided to prospective students during two submission rounds. All application materials must be received by the application deadlines to be paired with a mentor on the corresponding Match Date. We will do our best to match prospective students who submit their application after the application date.

Round 1: November 2, 2018
Round 2: November 30, 2018

FRIENDLY REMINDER: If you'd like feedback on your personal statement, please submit a draft (as a word document) to amricha@umich.edu with the subject line: “Pipeline Personal Statement: FullName”.  Please note that personal statements are not required to participate in the Pipeline Initiative.  You can also submit your statement to your assigned mentor after the matching process.

If you have any questions, please email SCPP’s Pipeline Chair, Audrey Richardson, at amricha@umich.edu.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
City, State *
Country *
Country of Citizenship *
Undergraduate Institution *
Are you a first-generation college student? *
Do you identify as a person of color? *
Please indicate your current gender expression (man, woman, trans, genderqueer, etc.)
Please indicate your preferred personal pronouns (e.g. she/her,  he/him, they/them, ze/zir)
Which Ford program are you interested in? *
Anticipated Start Year *
If you are interested in pursing a dual degree, please select which program you are interested in. *
What policy areas are you most interested in? (Select up to two) *
How many years of full-time work experience will you have prior to starting graduate school?
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In what sector(s) have you had work experience? *
In what sector(s) would you like to work in after graduating?
Please indicate if you have participated in any of the following programs (Select all that apply): *
For the purposes of matching, please indicate if you are interested in speaking with a student from the following populations. (Select all that apply) *
If you have any special request, please indicate those below.
If you are looking for general admissions resources, visit the Ford School admissions webpage.
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