Netnarr Media Jumping ~ Lab Entry Ticket
A few years ago, some of us hosted a StoryJumper project within Digital Writing Month (now, every month is DigiWriMo) in which more than a dozen folks from around the world blogged pieces of a narrative story, passing it one from one person to the next in a version of an Exquisite Corpse. Last year, in the Connected Learning MOOC (collaboration, not class), we passed along a detective story called The Search for Chalkboard Man.
With this year’s Networked Narratives initiative, we are hoping to help make the ‘narrative’ element more visible, and this time, we hope to use multiple media and platforms for a collaboration using the ideas of Transmedia Composition (a story that unfolds across different media and spaces but connected together). Though using the digital tools we have, we can connect across mediums to mix the story together. We’d love to see the story shift across the main themes of Networked Narratives: Digital Life, Digital Art, Networked Games and Electronic Literature.
We're hoping you will be open to working on creating one digital piece of art or story. We will then stitch our stories together into an interactive Alchemy Lab.
Answer these questions to get an entry ticket to the #Netnarr Alchemy Lab. Final work will be submitted to the Master Alchemist to bind together (a.k.a. putting it altogether in Thinglink).