Vimmerse Highlights - Order Form
A new service from Vimmerse to create AI engaging videos from up to 10 images per order. The generated videos are great assets to expand reach on social media and convert shoppers on marketplaces. Check out these samples which cover various use cases.

How does it work?
1- Fill out the form and share links that include the images you want to use for the videos. You can order multiple highlight videos in the same request submission.
2- Vimmerse team will share back videos via email within 48 hours of the order along with the payment invoice (if not paid already). Each highlight video is priced at $30 (USD). Discounts are available for bulk orders or when subscribing to the service periodically.
3- You can request one-time complementary edits if needed.  

Note: Vimmerse may remove small texts if existed in images to avoid being hallucinated by the AI tools. 

Please contact us at to inquire about the service, follow up on your orders, or explore the subscription options.
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Vimmerse Highlights - Samples
Your name *
Share links that include images to generate highlights from (one link per row for each highlight) *
e.g. url link to a listing on a marketplace, publicly accessible drive link, website page, social media profile link
Describe how would like your videos to be made e.g. order of images, with or without transition between images, effects to include in video, aspect ratio of output video... etc
Message to the Vimmerse team (suggestions, inquiries, exploring subscribtion to highlights for frequent posts)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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