Dance 3 - Mainstage Song and Dance
We are so excited about this season and we want YOU to join us! We have some exciting new things this year so please read carefully as you complete the form. 

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Questions??  Reach out to us at or call/text 850-329-8635.
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Email *
Performer's Name (first and last) *
Performer's Date of Birth *
If the performer is still in school, what grade will they be in for the 2024/25 school year? (List N/A if graduated.) *
Performer's Parent/Guardian's Name *
Performer's Parent/Guardian Email address

Dance 3: Mainstage Song and Dance
  • Audition for repertory company once per year 
  • Ages 12+ / 6th grade and up
  • Two-semester (Fall and Spring) commitment
  • Weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm
  • Performance at our Cabaret at Theatre Tallahassee in April 2025

Making Light’s Mainstage Song and Dance class is for advanced singers and dancers ready to spend two semesters learning multiple advanced routines for showcase performances. This is a great class to improve dance technique and learn more advanced choreography. Please see this video for an example of a Mainstage Song and Dance performance. (Students not ready for this class may be redirected to Dance 1 or Dance 2.)

Potential members of the Mainstage Song & Dance cast will audition on July 27 at 6 PM.  They will be taught a jazz and tap combination, which will be performed for audition panel in small groups. Please bring your jazz and tap shoes and wear clothing appropriate for dance class. 

Please list any schedule conflicts you already know about for the Fall and/or Spring semesters: 
Please list any previous theatre, music or dance training:
Please list any other talents, ex. juggling, acrobatics, stage makeup, accents, instruments, etc.: 

Making Light Productions Rules and Code of Ethics

Attendance: Attendance at rehearsals and performances is mandatory. If you listed a date(s) on your audition form for which you are not available, you are excused. No absences will be allowed the three weeks immediately prior to or during performances (list date span). Should an emergency arise, inform the Director immediately using Email or Text.

Tardiness:  Be on time for rehearsals. The industry standard is fifteen minutes before the scheduled rehearsal time. The time of rehearsal means you are warmed up, properly dressed and prepared to work at the time. No student may leave rehearsal early, unless prearranged with the Director at least 24 hours in advance. 

Respect: Respect the crew, the directors, the designers, your fellow actors and yourself.

Pick Up: Make sure you arrange transportation for rehearsals and performances. 

Notes:  The proper response to Notes is “Thank You”, as an acknowledgement. If you are having difficulty with a certain direction or person, please take these concerns to the director after Notes have finished. Do not feed lines to other actors on stage. Bring a pencil and your script to every rehearsal. If you are asked to write down feedback, do so and then incorporate the suggestions in the next run. 

Cell Phones: Leave phone/tablets in locker or bag. Parents/Guardians can contact the Director if a need arises.

Quiet: Avoid all talking and/or whispering when you are in the wings, house, and backstage. 

Tech Rehearsals: These are the only times the designers get to fine-tune their work with actors present.

  • Tech is Mandatory

  • Stay close to the stage

  • Bring proper undergarments, hair out of face, basic stage makeup

Conduct: At no time should any student involved in the production be involved with drugs or alcohol. You shall be removed from the cast immediately if found in violation of this rule.

Props: Never touch props that aren’t yours, actors are responsible for checking their props before each show.

Honor your Audience: You have a responsibility to perform the show as rehearsed and to do your best, regardless of how many audience members are in the house. No Ad Libs, it goes against our Licensing Agreement. Reminder, our final show is our Sensory Friendly performance.

By clicking yes on this question, you are aware of the Rules & Code of Ethics every cast and crew member is expected to honor and will go over the full rehearsal, tech and show calendar prior to attending auditions and be prepared to sign a paper contract before beginning rehearsals in acknowledgement that you are aware of the commitment.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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