Share your story with Bedrooms Are For People!
One big way that we're going to demonstrate the positive outcomes of passing Bedrooms Are For People (BAFP) is by asking people to share their housing stories.

Boulder's exclusionary occupancy limits have punished people for living together - regardless of whether they want to live with their chosen family or in order to better afford Boulder.
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What's your mobile number?
First & Last Name *
How long have you lived in Boulder? *
Thinking back on your housing experiences in Boulder, have you experienced the following struggles?
Significant Struggle/Barrier
Minor Struggle/Barrier
Does Not Apply to Me
There is a lack of housing options within my budget
I am unable to share housing, transportation, and/or food costs because of occupancy limits
I have extra bedrooms / ADU that I am unable to rent out due to occupancy limits
I had trouble finding a place that allowed my pet(s)
I have certain needs for proximity to job/school that were made more difficult
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If you live or have lived in an "over-occupied" home, have you experienced the following struggles?
Significant Concern
Minor Concern
Not Concerned / Does Not Apply
I am afraid of or have been threatened with eviction
I am afraid to participate in civic or other activities
I am afraid to register to vote
Landlord uses occupancy to avoid maintenance
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We'd love to share your story to help others understand why we must change this law. Please let us know what you'd be comfortable with:
What's the 30-second version of the story you'd like to tell? *
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