Perspectives on Reirradiation in Radiation Oncology
Dear Colleague,

We are conducting a survey to gather insights into the perspectives and practices regarding reirradiation in radiation oncology. Your input will be invaluable in improving patient care and developing guidelines for reirradiation treatments. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Rest assured, your responses will be confidential and used solely for research purposes.

Thank you for your participation.

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Section 1: Dermographics
1) What is your current role? (Select one )
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2)How many years have you been practicing radiation oncology? (Select one)
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3)What type of institution do you primarily work in? (Select one)
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Section 2: Clinical practice
4)How often do you encounter patients requiring reirradiation? (Select one)
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5) For which cancer types do you most commonly perform reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
6) What are the most common indications for reirradiation in your practice? (Select all that apply)
Section 3: Définitions and Timing
  7-How do you define reirradiation in your practice? (Select all that apply)
 8-What do you consider to be an appropriate time delay between the initial radiation course and reirradiation for optimal patient outcomes? (Select one)
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9) Do you follow any specific criteria or guidelines to determine the appropriate time delay for reirradiation? (Select one)
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If yes specify which ones
10-What factors do you consider most critical when deciding the time delay between initial radiation and reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
11-Please share any additional insights or criteria you use for defining and timing reirradiation.  
Section 4: Decision-Making and Guidelines
12) What factors most influence your decision to reirradiate a patient? (Select all that apply)
13) Do you follow any specific guidelines or protocols for reirradiation? (Select one)
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14) How confident are you in the safety and efficacy of reirradiation? (Select one)
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15)Do you routinely consult with a multidisciplinary team before proceeding with reirradiation? (Select one)
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Section 5: Dose , schedule
16-Which fractionation schedules do you commonly use for reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
17-How do you determine the appropriate dose and fractionation schedule for reirradiation? (Select all that apply)  
18-Are there specific reirradiation dose limits you adhere to for different tissues or organs? (Select one)
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19-How do you approach the scheduling of reirradiation sessions in relation to the patient's other treatments (e.g., chemotherapy, surgery)? (Select all that apply)
20-For reirradiation across different tumor locations, please indicate your preferred dose and fractionation schedule by selecting one option for each scenario.
Brain Metastases:
Recurrent Gliomas:
Spinal Tumors (Metastatic or Primary):
Head and Neck Tumors:
Thoracic Tumors (Lung or Mediastinal):
Abdominal Tumors (Liver or Pancreas):
Pelvic Tumors (Prostate or Rectal):
Section 6: Techniques and Outcomes
21) Which techniques do you commonly use for reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
22) What are the main challenges you face when planning reirradiation treatments? (Select all that apply)
23) How do you monitor and manage side effects in patients undergoing reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
24) What strategies do you employ to minimize the risks associated with reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
Section 7 : Use of Radiobiological Tools
25) Do you use Equivalent Dose in 2 Gy fractions (EQD2) for reirradiation planning? (Select one)
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26) If you use EQD2, how do you typically apply it in your practice? (Select all that apply)
27) Do you utilize any other radiobiological tools or models for reirradiation planning? (Select all that apply)
28) How confident are you in the accuracy and reliability of these radiobiological tools in guiding reirradiation treatments? (Select one)
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29) What challenges do you face when applying radiobiological models in reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
Section 8 : Educational and Informational Needs
30) Do you feel you need more information or training on any of the following aspects of reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
31) What formats do you prefer for receiving information and training on reirradiation? (Select all that apply)
Section 9 : Future Directions
32) What areas of reirradiation do you believe require more research and development?
33-Would you be interested in participating in clinical trials focused on reirradiation? (Select one)
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34) What educational resources or tools would help you in making decisions about reirradiation? (Select all that apply)  
35) What support or resources do you feel are lacking in the field of reirradiation?
36)Do you collaborate with other specialties or departments for reirradiation treatments?
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37) Please share any additional thoughts or suggestions on how reirradiation practices can be improved.
Thank you for completing our survey. Your responses are greatly appreciated and will contribute significantly to our understanding of reirradiation practices in radiation oncology.
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