Research to Unite Sustainable Brands in 2024

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Our mission is clear: to foster a collaborative environment that enhances digital marketing strategies for participating brands while remaining firmly aligned with sustainability principles.

By taking part in this survey, you are actively contributing to the progress of your brand and similar brands in the sustainable sector. Your insights hold value for our research, and we sincerely appreciate your contribution.

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To start the survey, we want to reflect back on your performance in 2023.
During 2023, how have your sales been tracking in comparison to the previous year? *
How much did external factors, such as the rising cost of living, global supply chain disruptions, and other macro challenges, impact your business in 2023? 
Minimal impact
Significant impact
Looking back at your performance in 2023, which areas went exceptionally well for your brand during the year? Please select all that did go well.
Please tell us more about why these areas were a success for your business.
Conversely, were there any areas in your business that you found tough this year? Please select all that apply.
Please tell us more about why these areas were challenging for your business.
We would love to hear your predictions about how you think your customers might change in 2024.
On a scale from 1 to 5, how positive are you about the growth of your customer base in 2024, where 1 means not positive at all and 5 means extremely positive?
Not positive
Extremely positive
Do you think the importance your customers place on buying sustainable products will change?  Please rate the expected change on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means less importance, and 5 means more importance.
Less importance
More Importance
On a scale of 1 to 5, how influential do you believe sustainability certifications and labels will be in guiding customer purchasing decisions for your products, with 1 being not influential and 5 being highly influential?
Not influential
Highly influential
How important is it, from a customer perspective, that you extend your range of sustainable products in 2024? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents not important at all and 5 represents extremely important?
Not important at all
Extremely important
When it comes to the price sensitivity of your customer in 2024, how would you rate it compared to 2023? Please rate the change on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means more price-sensitive, and 5 means less price-sensitive.
More price-sensitive
Less price-sensitive
How do you anticipate their age demographic evolving compared to 2023? Please rate the expected change on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means getting older, and 5 means getting younger.
How do you expect their brand loyalty to evolve? Please rate the anticipated change on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating a decrease in brand loyalty, and 5 indicating an increase in brand loyalty.
Decrease in brand loyalty
Increase in brand loyalty
Is there anything else you would like to add on your thoughts or predictions of your customers and their behaviours in 2024?
Next up, we want to delve into how you are planning to promote your brand in 2024.
How much do you plan to spend on marketing your sustainable business in 2024? *
How does this marketing spend compare to 2023? Please select one of the following options.
How important will digital marketing be in promoting your brand in 2024? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means not important, and 5 means very important.
Not important
Very important
Please rank the importance of the following digital marketing tactics you plan to use in 2024 for driving sales on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means not important at all, and 5 means extremely important.
Social Media
Email Marketing
Paid Search Ads
Social Ads
What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you be using to measure the success of your digital marketing efforts in 2024? Please select all that apply.
What other marketing activities do you have planned for 2024? *
You're nearly there, it would be great for you to share your thoughts on the AI revolution that's going to develop at a rapid pace next year.
Given the rapid advancements in AI technology, how do you feel about AI-driven changes in 2024? Please rate your sentiment on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents concerned, and 5 represents optimistic.
How prepared do you believe your sustainable brand is to adapt to AI-driven changes by 2024? Please rate your prepardness, where 1 means not prepared, and 5 means very prepared.
Not prepared
Very prepared
How do you plan to incorporate AI technology into your business operations in 2024? 
Not sure yet
Product Development
Supply Chain Management
Customer Service and Support
Marketing and Personalization
Sustainability Reporting
Recruitment and Staffing
Finance and Accounting
Legal and Contracts
Compliance and Risk
It's the last section!!! We just need to know a little bit more about you and your business.
Please provide your brand's name. *
Please provide your website URL. *
Please confirm the ecommerce sector your sustainable business operates in. *
Please provide your name. *
Please provide your email address. *
Please confirm you are happy for us email you with the digital marketing guide that will be created based on the survey findings? *
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