Data-driven Publishing
Kyiv School of Economics will host a summer school in "Data-driven Publishing: Reproducible Research using R, Quarto, and Github" by Dr. Arthur Small.

We can accommodate up to 30 students who are interested in coding and reproducible research.
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Educational level *
Your field of studies/work *
Have you taken at least one rigorous intermediate-level course in probability and statistics? Which courses? *
Describe your coding experience with R or Python *
What are you expecting or hoping to get from this course? *
On a scale from 1 to 10, describe your coding skills in R *
No skills or experience
Excellent skills
On a scale from 1 to 10, describe your experience working in R Studio *
No experience
Excellent skills
On a scale from 1 to 10, describe your knowledge of what reproducible research is *
Don't know anything about it
Know everything about it
On a scale from 1 to 10, describe your experience working with git and GitHub *
Never heard of it
Use it regularly
On a scale from 1 to 10, describe your experience working with Markdown, LaTeX, or Quarto *
Never heard of it
Use it regularly
Are you considering attending an MA or PhD program related to economics, social science, computer science, or data science, in Ukraine or abroad? *
Are you considering studying in an MA program at KSE? *
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