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Everyday Dog Parent Survey
I'm looking for you - Dog owner who feel like you have a specific problem in the everyday life with your dog.
By filling out this survey before Sunday midnight you have a chance to win a 1-1 one hour coaching session to create your dog-behaviour-change plan.
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* Indicates required question
Your first name
Your answer
Your last name
Your answer
Your best e-mail
Make sure there is no typo.
Your answer
Describe your dog
breed and age but also personality and preferences
Your answer
What would you like to get help with?
What is your biggest challenge when it comes to life with your dog?
Your answer
What have you tried thus far?
Just briefly list what has been tried and for how long.
Your answer
What would it mean to you, personally, to solve this issue?
How would you feel, what would be different in your life?
Your answer
Is it Ok for me to follow up with you to discuss your answers?
If yes, you agree to the
privacy policy
Yes, please. I also want to recieve news and training ideas for my everyday life with dog.
No, thanks. But I wanted you to have my answers for your database.
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