Breakthrough SARS-Cov2 Infection and Vaccine Effectiveness Among Medical Doctors in Delhi
In view of emerging viral variants such as B.1.617, the most important question is to be addressed is whether vaccination is protecting high-risk individuals adequately against breakthrough infections and severity. In this regard,  the Delhi Medical Association (DMA) and Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, Govt. of India (THSTI) are collaborating to conduct a prospective study among the members of the DMA family entitled “A Study on Breakthrough SARS- Cov2 Infection and Vaccine Effectiveness Among Medical Doctors in Delhi”.  This study involves a short questionnaire on the vaccination details and COVID infection as provided below. The data collected will be accessible only to the study investigators and nobody else outside. The identifier information in the data will not be shared with anybody. Data will be used only for answering the above research objective. It will not be used for any other purposes. Thank you for sparing your valuable time in contributing to this important effort.
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