Multitudes Retreat Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in attending the retreat on Saturday, October 12th! Space at this year's event is limited, so we are prioritizing New York City community members and their loved ones. Those welcome include practitioners of psychedelic-adjacent healing modalities such as: therapists, dance, song, movement, art, etc. If you'd like to attend, please take a moment to fill out this form and let us know who you are! We will get back to you within a week or so.
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Tickets for the event are on a sliding scale ranging from: $35-75. We are asking all attendees, including presenters, to contribute to this event, if possible. How much would you feel comfortably willing and able to pay?
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Email *
Full name *
Do you currently have any connection to the psychedelics or wellness organizations, industry, practices local to New York City?  *
What is your harm-reduction practice or how do you currently practice/engage in harm reduction? *
How do you participate in the psychedelic and/or wellness community? *
If licensed, please specify your certifications/licensure.
Why do you wish to attend this retreat? *
How did you hear about us? *
Would you be willing to volunteer for an hour or two on site on the day of? *
If yes, what are you most interested in helping with?
What else should we know about you?
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