Ichimura Miami-Japan Garden Volunteer Form 2024
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Email *
First Name / Last Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Most preferred phone number
Email Address *
One checked most often
Physical Limitations/Allergies *
If you listed yes above, please list what your limitations or allergies are here:
Do you already have a Ichimura volunteer t-shirt? *
If you already have one, PLEASE answer "YES" and wear the one you already have when you volunteer.
T-shirt Size
Unisex Adult Sizes Only
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Volunteer Availability *
Do you want to receive community service hours? *
If you want community service hours, to what organization or school is it for?
What is your level of education? *
In an emergency, notify: *
Emergency Contact relationship to you. *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Volunteers hereby agree to serve any client who is assigned regardless of race, sex, creed or national origin. *
Please type your name below as your signature to this volunteer form. *
By typing your name below you agree that all of the questions were answered honestly and accurately to the best of your ability.
If Volunteer is a minor (under 18) please type the Parent or Guardian's name who is responsible for this volunteer.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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