Beauty and the Beast Jnr - application form
This form is required for each member of the cast for Beauty and the Beast, (show week 17-22 February 2025).  This form should be completed for all children before auditioning for the show.

Note that the participation fee is £160.  £80 is required to be paid by the audition date (24 November 2024), with the balance of £80 paid by Sunday 12 January 2025.  This can be paid by bank transfer to:
  • Account number: 53412385
  • Sort-code: 20-03-84
  • Account Name: Odyssey Theatrical Productions Limited.
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Participant name *
Participant preferred pronouns
Address 1 *
Address 2
Address 3
Postcode *
Primary email *
Optional additional email
Main Emergency contact name *
Main emergency contact mobile number *
Participant date of birth *
Please provide details of any relevant medical conditions, allergies or other additional needs
Participants will be required for all rehearsals.  If there are any that they cannot make, please let us know here and we will inform you if this prevents them from being part of the cast.
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